El Salvador- Los Pirineos

24,00 76,00 

Tasting notes: tropical fruit, honey sweetness, cherry, hints of dark chocolate

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Located atop the Tecapa volcano mountain range between the towns of Berlin and
Santiago de Maria, Los Pirineos is named for its similarity to the Pyrenees mountain
range that separates France and Spain, and beholds the most spectacular views
in all directions. Coffee has been produced at this farm by the Baraona family for
over 130 years, with the original plants and shade trees imported from Antigua,
Guatemala. The farm has the largest private seed bank collection in El Salvador, with
seeds and plants from more than 80 varietals. Currently, the main varietals of coffee
grown are bourbon, typica, pacas and pacamara.

Los Pirineos has achieved great success at numerous auction programs and
competitions, but it has also been long recognised by exporters, buyers and
cuppers as producing some of the highest quality coffees in El Salvador. The team
and family at Los Pirineos take great care to maintain clean equipment, ensuring
quality processing from beginning to end, and remain current with their processing,
de-pulping and drying techniques.

Farm    Los Pirineos
Process        Natural
Variety         SL 28
Altitude        1600 masl
Region       Unsultan
Origin     El Salvador

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250g, 1000g